Wednesday, September 5, 2012


  I might be the most patient person in the world if it comes down to face the people I love. Or the grumpiest one.

  I might just scream and shout anything bad to them, just because I know they wouldn't leave me. And no matter what bad things they do to me, I could never hate them and abandon them. I'd probably be silent, or give them piercing glances just so they know that I'm angry. And I'll come back again after a few moments, because I'm silent only to cool down my anger.

  I don't talk a lot when I get upset. Because if I force myself to talk while I'm upset, I'll only cry. I don't know how to handle it. It's out of control.
I want to be a person who can let out their anger without crying. I always look so weak. I always cry everytime I get upset when I have to say it to other people. I will cry. Undoubtedly.

  Sometimes I just can't bear with some things I know that are heavy. I feel wrecked, crumbled, swords and knives and blades are stabbing my body, my heart, and the stabbing doesn't stop until they stop themselves. Those weapons are just the forms of words, behaviours, and facial expressions.

  It's crazy how things can fall out of line while I'm keeping it on track. Well, wheel of life. We're just too high to look down, so we don't realise when will it come, until we experience it ourselves.

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