I have 6 new friends. They're all from my university and they're my classmates. They're not my first friends in class, but I'm glad I have them as my friends. So glad. And they're young and still so cheerful. They're 3 years younger than me. But I don't feel like I'm the oldest so I have to control them. Of course not. Instead, they make me feel much younger, and I get to laugh more than before. I'm grateful, to God, to them.
There's this one girl named Bias Ayukirana or Bias or Bi, she has the loudest voice and the greatest personality. She's friendly and she is mature enough for her age. Maybe even more mature than I am. She lightens everything up.
She's a bit fat, but in a cute and chubby way of fat, and she's very expressive. She once tried to impersonate a talent from an ad while we were working on our assignment, and she did it even funnier than the ad, and we laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. A true entertainer. And she loves to draw. She said if she didn't take English Literature major she would take design school. She'd make a nice artist.
And then there's this girl, the prettiest one, Chesa Yesenia, Chesa you can call her. Yes, she's pretty, and caucasian look-alike kind of girl, skinny but not too skinny, just an ideal body of a little girl like her. But, she's just as noisy as Bias and she's somehow, a little bit mental.
She's the fashionista. The most stylish. She has to match her clothes perfectly. If she wears red tops, she matches it with red flats and a red handbag, etc. She also likes makeups. She always wears makeup wherever she goes. Even though just on her eyes. Mascara, eyebrow pencil, lipbalm or lipgloss. She just has to. And her clothes are all cute, fits her body well. That's why we call her "Aunty", or "Tante" in Indonesian.
Her real name is Nabilla Luthfan Ayudhani. But this girl has more than three nicknames. Nabilla, abilla, bila, bela. Maybe more, I don't know. She's the cutest among us. The most childish. So cute I wanna pinch her chubby face everytime we meet.
She likes to daydream though. At one time, when one of us was playing a song on our phone, she was sitting down on the floor and swinging her body to the left and the right rhyming with the song, and she murmuring the lyrics, but staring blankly to the wall. After seconds swinging her body, she was back to reality realising that all of us were laughing at her. She's the closest to my boyfriend because my bf really wants a little sister, and she is qualified, so they're like bro and sis right now.
The one of the two with eyeglasses, Amel. Rizky Amaliya Tajudin. This one is the chubbiest.Bias is chubby, Bila is chubby, this is the chubbiest. The chubbiness, I know it's not even a word, isn't too visible. But once you poke your finger to her cheeks and chin, there you go. It's like you're poking at a "mochi", that Japanese snack. So elastic and mushy. Soooo, cute in a weird way.
She has a boyfriend at college, at the same faculty. Love is in the air for them. And you can always get informations from her. She's friend with some of the seniors, and she gets the informations from them. And she's the sweetest. She went to the coolest high school in Jakarta. My boyfriend said that her school is so cool he didn't expect that it didn't look like it was in Indonesia. He's a bit exaggerating. But yeah, I suppose it's a cool school.
Now the CLUMSIEST. When I say clumsy, you've got to believe me that she is. The clumsiest of all. Syaily Mutiara Sari or Ily. She's a skinny girl. But I don't know why, WE, don't know why that she could be this clumsy. She's like having a broad large body because she could bump at almost everything she passed.
She bumps at people, she bumps at things. She accidentally put down a binder carelessly upon an ashtray and it spilled. And we all will say "Ilyyyyyyyy!!!!" with an angry tone, but it's more of a joke actually, because we ended up laughing at her.
She's the one who raises hand when the lecturers ask. She's clever. And the one that has the grumpy face but inside she's just a normal narcissistic, nice girl. She is a little bit tomboy, but she also can be feminine.
Last but not the least. The second one with eyeglasses. Gita Saputri or Gita. The most innocent, calm, nice and smart kind of girl. Seriously, she IS innocent. Really. When we talk about something she isn't familiar with, or she doesn't even know what it is, no matter how common the topic or the word is, she'll ask. Moreover, when she feels like we're taking about things we shouldn't talk about, she will ask us not to talk about it. And Chesa would say "Baby Gita, your mother is so blessed to have a daughter like you baby Gitaaaa!" LOL. That simple. But that simple shows how much of an innocent girl she is. And we all look up to her so much.
No doubt, they're my friends, the ones I know I can count on.

*Left to right : Me, Gita, Bila, Ily, Bias, Amel, Chesa.
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